
The game of poker involves playing a hand of cards against other players. The goal is to win a pot by either having the best five-card poker hand or convincing other players that you have a good hand even when you don’t. The game can be played with any number of players but is most commonly played with six.

A player can open a betting round by saying “open”. Players may then take turns clockwise to call (match the highest previous bet) or raise. Players can also fold if they don’t want to stay in the hand.

Throughout the betting process, a player can only raise a certain amount based on the size of the pot. This is called the pot limit. It prevents a player from getting all-in and it is one of the main differences between good and bad players.

There are also unwritten rules about how to bet in poker. For example, players must announce what they are doing or at least make it clear how many chips they’re betting to avoid confusion. You should never try to hide your betting by hiding your stack or tapping the table.

It is important to learn the basic rules of poker and how to play the game well. This includes knowing what hands beat what and how to read the board. It is also important to understand the bet sizing of your opponents and your own stack sizes so you can maximize your chances of winning. Over time, these concepts will become second-nature and you’ll develop an intuition for things like frequencies and EV estimation.